We fully support the missionaries we have listed below. These missionaries have dedicated their lives serving the Lord. Whether they are serving over seas or in the US, they have been helping build God's Kingdom.
Solid Rock International Ministries
Solid Rock International Ministries, Inc. is a non-denominational, evangelistic, missionary organization dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to the world, with an emphasis on training and supporting nationals, particularly in third world nations where the doors are mostly closed to foreign missionaries.
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Kelly Community Bible Church
Dr. Boodram had a vision and passion for KCBC to spread ministry throughout Trinidad and neighboring South American and Caribbean countries by planting Bible College extensions that educate laypeople and pastors in the true Word of God and correct Biblical teaching based on the Gospel. And in 1989, he founded Trinidad Bible Institute (TBI). TBI is "Communicating Christ with clarity". We want people to know that salvation is not giving your life or turning from your sins, it is simply recieving Jesus Christ as your Saviour ( John 1:12) The gospel is the death burrial and resurrection of Jesus Christ I Cor. 15:1-3)
Today, Trinidad Bible Institute plays a key role in building the Kingdom of Jesus Christ through its extension classes in St. Lucia, Guyana and Trinidad. TBI students are first taught by Dr. Boodram and his faculty for two years, and they achieve an Associate Degree in Theology. Then the graduates, under the leadership of TBI, teach new classes of their own people in their own homeland.
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Jewish Awareness
Their goal is to work in full cooperation with churches to help them effectively share the Gospel with Jewish people, and Gentiles, in keeping with the great commission and God’s clearly stated plan in Romans 1:16. Also, they aim to assist Jewish people to become aware of the Jewish roots of the Christian Faith and how Jesus is their Messiah/Redeemer. Towards this end their personnel regularly reach out to Jewish people through a variety of ways. The ministry prints literature to help in this endeavor, as well as develops different outreaches to share the Messiah with Jewish people.
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GraceLife Ministries
Sharing the gospel of grace with the unsaved and the grace of the gospel with the saved.
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The Robacker Family
The Robacker's have been serving the Lord for many years as a family. They were missionaries in Belarus and now are traveling through the US helping our servicemen and women who are willing to fight for our country learn of Jesus Christ.
Grace Evangelical Society
Grace Evangelical Society (GES) was founded in 1986 to promote the life-giving truth that God offers man the free gift of everlasting life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, apart from works done before or after the new birth (John 3:16; 5:24; 6:35, 47; 11:26). Another of their aims is to promote Christian growth by emphasizing the Biblical truths about eternal security, assurance, and eternal rewards.
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