Greatest Witness
I John 5:9
I-V6-8-The witness of the ____________
A-V6- _____________ is truth
1-John 17:17-God’s Word is truth
2-John 14:6-Jesus is the truth
B-Witness of the person of __________ John 5:33-35
1-V33-34-John the Baptist
a-John 1:6-7-John’s purpose as a witness
b-John 1:19-34-John’s witness
2-V36-Works of Christ cf. John 20:30-31
3-V37-The Father cf. Matthew 3:16-17
4-V39-The Scriptures
C- _____________ of Christ
1-Titus 3:5-Saved by washing of Holy Spirit
2-John 7:37-39-Based upon belief
3-I Peter 1:18-19-Redeemed by the blood
4-I Peter 1:23-Washing of water of the Word
II-V9-Superiority of ________________ witness
A-Titus 1:2-God cannot _______________
B-Hebrews 6:17-18-God confirmed it by an ________
III-V10-Unbelievers call God a ____________
A-God ______________ eternal life-John 3:16
B-Life is in His _______________ -Philippians 3:9
V-V12- _____________ groups cf. John 3:18
VI-V13-2 purposes of this _______________
A-That we can ___________ that we have eternal life
B-That we _____________
The only way to know that you have eternal life is to trust Christ’s promise that upon belief you can know that you have eternal life.